Posted by: oregonhiker | September 7, 2010

Collier Glacier Trip – the hike in

I was lucky enough to be invited to go on a trip to the Collier Glacier with a researcher from Oregon State University. The research project is working to develop a model to predict the changes in mass of a glacier.

Distance: 8 Miles

Elevation: 4000 feet to 7500 feet

This trip turned out to be a test on a number of fronts. The day that we intended to drive to the trailhead the road was closed due to a forest fire. The original plan had been to hike to North Matthieu Lake the first night.

The trail started at the Lava Camp Trailhead at 4000 feet. We followed the Pacific Crest Trail for the first portion of the trip. Many sections of this trail have been carved out of lava flows.

Mt Washington

Our first views of the glacier were breathtaking since it sits between the North and Middle Sister.

The route at times was very rough. You can see the other hikers descending down the steep wall at the end of the moraine.

Our camp was basically on a rock pile at the very end of the glacier ice. Our first several hours were spent flattening out spaces for our tents.

It definitely was a room with a view. The base ca mp sits at about 7400 feet.

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